Improv Show
Directed by Jared Mason
Show Information
Like telling stories? Playing imagination games with your friends? Think the idea of a centaur driving a blimp is potentially hilarious? Come on out to audition for the Third Annual Improv Show with Neuqua’s own improv troupe, The Third Wheels. Auditions are on January 28 and January 29 after school in the Black Box from 2:45-5:00. There you will be learning some improv games and playing them with other potential team members. After two days of workshops, I will post this year’s troupe list and we will begin practices. Show dates are on February 26th and February 27th.
Check the calendar, and make sure you print out and get the permission letter signed. Bring the signed letter and any conflicts to the calendar to the workshops, and you will be considered for the team. Note! Even if you were on the team last year, you must come try out again. I will be looking at everyone with a fresh pair of eyes.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Mr. Mason at [email protected].
Check the calendar, and make sure you print out and get the permission letter signed. Bring the signed letter and any conflicts to the calendar to the workshops, and you will be considered for the team. Note! Even if you were on the team last year, you must come try out again. I will be looking at everyone with a fresh pair of eyes.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Mr. Mason at [email protected].
Audition Information1.) Download, read, and have a parent sign the permission form below. The Code of Conduct can be found on this theatre web site by clicking HERE. Be sure to check your schedule against the rehearsal calendar to avoid any major conflicts.
2.) Fill out the online application form. Click the button below to get to the online application form.